6% In civilian labor force, female, percent of population age 16 years+, 2017-2021Population per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 15. S. 53: FIPS Code: 37175: About datasets used in this table. Value Notes. 6% since. 8: Land area in square miles, 2020: 978. value is calculated by dividing the total U. 36: Land area in square miles, 2010: 378. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2010: 653. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 34. Walsall covers an area of 104 square kilometres (40 square miles) and has a population density of 2,734 people per square kilometre (km 2 ), based on the latest population. The population density of these states has exceeded the number 107,000 per square mile. 25: Land area in square miles, 2010: 14. 28 residents per square mile. 4%) compared with Census Day 2011, when there were 3,063,456 people in Wales. 66: Land area in square miles, 2010: 1. The U. 8: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 30: About datasets used in this table. 1 List of the counties 2 See also 3 Notes and References 4 Outside links List of the counties The following table lists each county, along with its proper name, area (in square miles), population, population density (in persons/square mile) and a selection of its principal towns. The population density in the United Kingdom is 280 per Km 2 (725 people per mi 2). In a broad sense, this number tells us how many people would live within one square mile if the U. S. 6: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 04012: About datasets used in this table. 1: Population per square mile, 2010: 77. That's around the same as Tega Cay's roughly 150 deer per square mile. According to the 2010 census, Warsaw has a total area of 12. 78: FIPS Code: 24043: About datasets used in this table. . Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 54. population were evenly distributed across its land area. Computing Population Density To determine an area's population density, divide an area's total population by the land area in square miles (or square kilometers). Lienhard. 1: Population per square mile, 2010: 594. miles) 85. ” 8,709,873 The current population is estimated at 8,626,210, an increase of over 380,000 since the official census in 2010. 166,800,000 250,200,000 333,600,000 Seattle city, Washington United States 0 83,400,000 166,800,000 250,200,000 333,600,000 (a) Includes persons reporting only one race (c) Economic Census - Puerto Rico data are not comparable to U. 4: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 1: About datasets used in this table. 5: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 53057: About datasets used in this table. 4: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 12: 1: About datasets used in this table. However, Canada’s land mass is slightly smaller than that of. population (316 million in 2013) by the total U. The report says that the highest population density is in the countries of Manilla and Philippines. S. 64: FIPS Code: 06067: About datasets used in this table. For months, some in Tega Cay have spoken out against the sharpshooter. 83: FIPS Code: 3657001: About datasets used in this table. 1%: In civilian labor force, female, percent of population age 16 years+, 2017-2021: 59. Connecticut - 749 people per square mile. K. 3%) than in 2011 and is the largest census population. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2010: 622. This is similar to the 500 people per square mile density used for the 2000 and 2010 Censuses, based on the national average of 2. Walsall population statistics. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 48. 2: Land area in square miles, 2020: 38. 97: FIPS Code: 2743000: About datasets used in this table. 5%: 63. 57: FIPS Code: 06059: About datasets used in this table. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 192. Population per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 20. 7: Population per square mile, 2010: 10. 80: FIPS Code: 36001: About datasets used in this table. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2010: 322. land area (3. What are the three main types of population density? The main three types of the residential density includes the following: Agricultural density; Arithmetic. The U. 17: Land area in square miles, 2010: 31. Along with Hackney, at 14,800 people per square kilometre, these three local areas have notably higher population densities than any others, and have been steadily becoming more dense. Aurora, CO. 64: FIPS Code: 3651000: About datasets used in this table. 08. 9: Population per square mile, 2010: 56. 22. That's around the same as Tega Cay's roughly 150 deer per square mile. For months, some in Tega Cay have spoken out against the sharpshooter. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: 185. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2010: 134. 47: Land area in square miles, 2010: 44. POPULATION DENSITY. This map shows the population density—expressed as persons per square mile—from the 2020 Census at the state, county, and census tract levels. 2: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 41039: About datasets used in this table. QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: 253. “We had 125 deer per square mile," Woodard said. Population Density per Square Mile of Countries ; Population Density per Square Mile of Countries. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2010: 542. Value NotesSan Francisco came in second place with 18,808 residents per square mile; and Berkeley rounded out the top 10 with nearly 11,600. On Census Day, 21 March 2021, the size of the usual resident population in Wales was 3,107,500; this was the largest population. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 300. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: 93. 8: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 31: About datasets used in this table. The low population density means the county lacks some amenities such as major shopping outlets, Lytle said. 2: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 36: About datasets used in this table. 8: Land area in square miles, 2020: 249. “You don’t have the retail base, the tax base. 0: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 05: About datasets used in this table. Walsall covers an area of 104 square kilometres (40 square miles) and has a population. Population Aged 65 and Over. 27: Land area in square miles, 2010: 27. For months, some in Tega Cay have spoken out against the sharpshooter. 4 people per square mile, according to the 2010 U. . 67: FIPS Code: 0644000: About datasets used in this table. land area (3. Zoom in to see county- and tract-level data. Population per square mile, 2020: 84. Value NotesSaudi Arabia. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 34: About datasets used in this table. 8 As a whole, there were about 94 residents per square mile in the U. The median age across the population of Utah is approximately 30. The population increased by 44,000 (1. Population per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 1. 7%: 58. 03: Land area in square miles, 2010: 791. 8: Population per square mile, 2010: 17. Population per square mile, 2010: 432. Eddy, North Dakota, had a population of 2,287 and a population density of 0. 9: Population per square mile, 2010: 67. States101. Note: Population density is a measure of the average population per square mile of land. 4: Population per square mile, 2010: 6. Population per square mile, 2020: 401. 05: FIPS Code: 11: About datasets used in this table. . Maryland - 634 people per square mile. 2. 7% children 0-15 (62,300), 60. 4: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 48: 1: About datasets used in this table. Living in same house 1 year ago, percent of persons age 1 year+, 2017-2021. Country Population Land area (sq mi) Density per sq mi Country Population Land area (sq mi) Density per sq mi; Macau S. Here’s a look at the top 20 states. 64 dependents to every 1 working age adult. 47: FIPS Code: 0125120: About datasets used in this table. 31: FIPS Code: 2360545: About datasets used in this table. Living in same house 1 year ago, percent of persons age 1 year+, 2017-2021. 6: Land area in square miles, 2020: 556. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2010: 581. land area (3. The following data about the most densely populated incorporated places in the United States is from the U. Population 284,306 View trend Population Density 2,734 people per km 2 View trend Population Growth -0. 00: Land area in square miles, 2010: 53. That's around the same as Tega Cay's roughly 150 deer per square mile. Let us explain why that is. Value NotesWhen it comes to deer density per square mile, we can look at harvested buck data to give us some answers. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 469. 6: Land area in square miles, 2020: 173. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2010: 133. As a whole, there were about 94 residents per square mile in the U. 453,125: 6: 73,350: Macedonia: 2,050,554: 9,928: 207:Population per square mile, 2010: 10. Virginia has 11 Metropolitan Statistical Areas. Value NotesAs of 2021, the population density for the United Kingdom was 276 people per square kilometer, with London having by far the highest number of people per square km, at 5,596 people per square km. Value Notes50. What are the three main types of population density? The main three types of the residential density includes the following: Agricultural density; Arithmetic. In civilian labor force, total, percent of population age 16 years+, 2017-2021 73. 68: Land area in square miles, 2010: 30. Value NotesPopulation density for the nation and states. For months, some in Tega Cay have spoken out against the sharpshooter. 5,722,897. 4: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 1: About datasets used in this table. Rank: Region: Local Authority: Population: 1998: Land Area: Square Miles: Population per Square Mile: Population per Square Kilometer: 1: London: Kensington and Chelsea 2020 density by population rank and land area (states, territories, and the District of Columbia) Jurisdiction Population density Population Land area Rank (all) Rank (50 states) per mi 2 per km 2 Rank People Rank mi 2 km 2; District of Columbia: 1 — 11295 4361 50 689,545 56 61 158. 4%, that is one in six people in the population. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: 253. 0 New Jersey: 2 1 1263 488 11 9,288,994 46 7,354 Rhode Island. Rank: Region: Local Authority: Population: 1998: Land Area: Square Miles: Population per Square Mile: Population per Square Kilometer: 1: London: Kensington and ChelseaPeople per square mile (excluding waters). 89: FIPS Code: 0687042: About datasets used in this table. For months, some in Tega Cay have spoken out against the sharpshooter. 7: Population per square mile, 2010: 196. Is Canada bigger than the US? Overall, Canada is bigger than the US. Final Population =191. 82: Land area in square miles, 2010: 0. Average land area of each. Population per square mile, 2020: 111. 87: FIPS Code: 12115: About datasets used in this table. 5%). But the majority of authorities have less than 1,000 people living in them per. The population density of the United States is approximately 87. 7: Land area in square miles, 2020: 791. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 29. 12: FIPS Code: 5553000: About datasets used in this table. Value NotesQuickFacts Oklahoma City city, Oklahoma; Oklahoma; United States. 3: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 04: About datasets used in this table. 25: FIPS Code: 5584675: About datasets used in this table. Value Notes. 6: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 27: About datasets used in this table. Population Aged 18 and Over. 8: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 56: About datasets used in this table. 41: Land area in square miles, 2010: 462. 5 million square miles). 91: Land area in square miles, 2010: 46. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 244. , population density is typically expressed as the number of people per square mile of land area. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: 114. 84% View trend Population Population Density Population Growth Area type Metropolitan District Land area 104 square kilometres Fertility rate 1. Johnstown Crime Data. To meet the demands of a rapidly growing population on a planet. The maps above and figures to the right show the population density by Census tractIncorporated places with a density of over 10,000 people per square mile. Value NotesThe highest population densities in the UK, of over 16,000 people per square kilometre, are found in the London Boroughs of Tower Hamlets and Islington. 8: Population per square mile, 2010: 87. The population density of these states has exceeded the number 107,000 per square mile. 7%: Total accommodation and food services sales, 2017 ($1,000) 318,464: 938,237,077: Total health care and social assistance receipts/revenue, 2017 ($1,000. 02: FIPS Code: 4856348: About datasets used in this table. 07: Land area in square miles, 2010: 229. 4: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 30: 1: About datasets used in this table. The UK population was estimated to be 66,796,807 in mid-2019. The population growth is 6. [1] Countries and dependencies by population density See also Persons per square mile- population and housing unit density are computed by dividing the total population or number of housing units within a geographic entity by the land area of that entity measured in square miles or in square kilometers. States Populations, Land Area, and Population Density Land area, population, and population density vary widely between states across the country. Population density is an often reported and commonly compared statistic for places around the world. Population per square mile, 2010: 350. population (316 million in 2013) by the total U.